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Panelami, natural cane juice sweetener

In this section we list some of the uses and benefits of the piloncillo with the intention of fostering and promoting the consumption of this completely natural and healthy nourishment

Nutritional contributions of Panelami

Panelami is a natural product that does not undergo a process of refining and bleaching using additives, which allows it to retain all the properties in its raw material, the sugarcane. Therefore, it is considered in South and Central America as a complete and easy-to-digest food.

Panelami, powerfully energizing

Because of its high glycemic index, Panelami is a highly recommended food for athletes, because it rises up the levels of insulin, a hormone needed to transport amino-acids to tissues after training.

Natural protection, healthy life.

  • Panelami strengthens the immunological system preventing diseases in both the respiratory and urinary systems.
  • It regulates heart rhythm and nervous excitability.
  • It strengthens bones.
  • It prevents rheumatic pains and biliary syndromes.
  • It helps improving the digestive system
  • It heals certain deficiencies such as anemia.
  • It’s very good against heartburn, indigestion and constipation.
  • It’s a good remedy for sore throat.

Healthy skin, with Panelami

Panelami is a good basis for developing face masks, which if applied daily help protecting the facial health. Panelami works as a good firming cream that promotes cell renewal and skin cleansing.

A natural alternative to sweetening

Panelami has exactly the same uses that regular sugar does, therefore, it can be used in the preparation of food or drinks.

Seasoning: as a sauce for meat.
In preserving fruits and vegetables: marmalades.
Typical regional dishes: palanquetas, camotes enmielados, calabazas (pumpkin), chilacayote, crystalized fruits,
ponche(punch), chiles chipotles, and more.
Confectionery: cakes, cookies, biscuits, Panelami cochinitos.

Refreshing: fruit water.
Hot beverages: coffee, tea, cocoa, atole.
Fermented: tejuino, tepache, tibicos water, among others.