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Our history

‘La Esmeralda’ Sweeteners, the company responsible for giving life to «Panelami» traces its history to 1965, which began with a traditional mill structure called “trapiche” in which it maintained a temporary production due to low demand for their product. It’s a proudly Mexican company that since its inception has focused on development, distribution and marketing of piloncillo (powdered brown sugar loaf).

Looking for the expansion of demand in1970 the period of work per year went from three to seven months, production that was maintained over several years and therefore it was necessary making changes to optimize production. Thus, in 2001 based on its effort and dedication, the company made way to changes in infrastructure, real estate and ideology.

One of the obstacles this Company had to overcome took place on February 11th 2007; a fire consumed great part of the facility. This setback was not enough reason for the company to disappear, but rather a challenge to overcome and implement new actions in its evolution with strong foundations and a true vision of a future expansion.

On June 20th, 2009 the company established itself as ‘La Esmeralda Sweeteners S.P.R. de R.L., a dream during several years, in which the quality and safety of the product were involved in all of their processes, as well of every area that forms the company. For its modernization, ‘Sweeteners La Esmeralda’ implemented a microbiological laboratory testing and treatment plant of wastewaters promoting a new environmental culture, as well as offering social security for employees.

In 2010, the company is presented with the opportunity to participate in a government development program with the intention of improving the processes and methods for the evolution of the company. Today, due to continuous improvement, all the previously mentioned resulted in the company having adequate personnel training along with the development of different sweeteners presentations, each one made with the highest and exquisite quality for consumer and institutional markets in the food industry.

Our process

With the firm intention that our clients know the transparency of our product, we share the development process through which Panelami is obtained, which is done with the highest standards of quality and safety.


Reels of sugar cane are introduced into the mill to extract its juice, then it is carried through canals to a precleaner chamber where impurities and sugar cane pulp are separated.

Cooking of the cane juice

The juice runs through a series of vats, where the goal is to get as much sucrose concentration as possible, evaporating, clarifying and correcting the juice PH.


The obtained honey is then transported to a mixer where it will incorporate air in the presence of heat, where it remains the necessary time depending on the presentation of brown sugar or “piloncillo” that is to be produced.


For the brown sugar cone; the mixture with the obtained consistency passes manually to the molds. Once it is cool, it is demolded. Unlike cone-shaped, granulated brown sugar or “piloncillo” does not require molding.


The packaging process is decided according to each sweetener presentation, cone-shaped ‘piloncillo’ is packed in boxes of 60 pieces. Whereas granulated ‘piloncillo’ is packed in bags of half a kilo, a kilo and sacks of 20 kilos.


Here the packed product is placed in a pallet for its distribution.


The main customers of ‘La Esmeralda’ Sweeteners can be found in the different market segments of the institutional food industry.

Social responsibility

Knowing that generating confidence to our customers, business partners and employees is important, the company has, through quality management, health, safety, environment and social responsibility, obtained the certification from the firm ‘Bureau Veritas’, which contributes to the recognition, performance improvement and reduced risk for the development of the product.

Water care

In order to use this natural resource consciously; within the limits of the production area water supply systems have been installed. Furthermore, there is a wastewater plant that is used for irrigation of crops.


Concerned about reducing the amount of waste from the various stages of the product’s development, the following actions have been implemented, always applying the appropriate treatment as the situation requires it:

•   Reuse of cachaza (residues from the sugar cane) as organic fertilizer.

•   Use of the chaff as fuel for the ovens.